Ongoing Projects
Maryland's Promise scholarship and pathways into college and the workforce (with Aizat Nurshatayeva)
Studying the effects of the Maryland Community College Promise scholarship on recipients’ education and workforce outcomes
Partner agencies: Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center
Project Approval by MLDS Governing Board
Tracking the Relationship Between K-8 Suspensions and Early Juvenile Arrests (with Jane Lincove)
Investigating the correlation between exclusionary discipline in K-8 schools and early juvenile arrests, aiming to shed light on the "school-to-prison pipeline”
Partner agencies: Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center
TEACH ME: Technology Enhanced Academic Communication to Help in Math and English (with Lindsay Page, Katharine Meyer, Mitchell Stevens, and Sebastian Munoz-Najar Galvez)
Investigating the extent to which integrating personalized, course-specific chatbot communication into gateway postsecondary math and English courses improves students’ academic performance, sense of belonging, retention, and completion at scale
Partner agencies: Georgia State University, Morgan State University, University of Central Florida
Funding: U.S. Department of Education
Text nudging for improved course performance (with Katharine Meyer, Lindsay Page, Tyler Walsh, and Eric Smith)
Evaluating the effectiveness of academic chatbots in introductory government and economics college courses
Partner agencies: Georgia State University
Pre-registered at REES, Registry ID: 8160.1v1 and 13760.1v1
Innovations in proactive communication and support for STEM success: Implementation and impact of a course-specific text message chatbot in introductory undergraduate chemistry (with Katharine Meyer, Lindsay Page, Dabney Dixon, Elina Stroeva, and Suazette Mooring)
Evaluating the effectiveness of academic chatbots in an introductory chemistry course
Partner agencies: Georgia State University
Funding: Ascendium Education Group
Scaling student support with conversational artificial intelligence (with Lindsay Page and Emily Russell)
Evaluating chatbot capacity to improve students’ academic success and retention
Partner agencies: California State University, Northridge
Funding: Kresge Foundation
Campus intentions and student experiences of university-sponsored chatbot communication (with Lindsay Page, Mitchell Stevens, Sebastian Munoz-Najar Galvez)
Documenting the institutions’ planning and management of their chatbot communication systems, and how these systems incorporate students' experiences
Investigating how chatbot communication shapes students’ experiences and sense of belonging
Partner agencies: Cal Poly Pomona and California State University, East Bay
Funding: College Futures Foundation
Evidence of the impact of a youth training program in technological and socioemotional skills implemented in Nicaragua (with María Teresa Silva-Porto Díaz)
Evaluating the labor market effects of receiving technical and socioemotional training
Partner agencies: Inter-American Development Bank
Pre-registered at REES, Registry ID: 16642.1v1
Funding: Inter-American Development Bank