Journal Articles
Time dedicated to unpaid housework and caregiving in Costa Rica: Does greater household income imply a more equal gender distribution? The Journal of Time Use Research, 2024. With Marya Hillesland and Leanne Roncolato.
Public Child Care Provision: Unraveling the Consequences of Implementation Variations for Women’s Time Allocation. The World Bank Economic Review, February 2024.
A Bridge to Graduation: Post-Secondary Effects of an Alternative Pathway for Students Who Fail High School Exit Exams. Education Finance and Policy, November 2023. With Jane Arnold Lincove and Kalena Cortes. Working paper: NBER IZA Annenberg
How context shapes the relationship between school autonomy and test-scores. An explanatory analysis using PISA 2015. International Journal of Educational Development 99, May 2023. With Christian Buerger and Jane Arnold Lincove. EdWorkingPaper
Conditional Cash Transfer Impact Evaluation: An Evaluation of the Costa Rican Secondary Education Program Avancemos. Revista de Ciencias Económicas 33(1) 2015. Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica. With Karla Hernández.
Book Chapters
"Transforming Informal Work and Livelihoods in Costa Rica and Nicaragua". With Enrique Alaniz, T.H. Gindling, and Diego Rojas. In The Job Ladder. Transforming informal work and livelihoods in developing countries. Eds: Gary S. Fields, T.H. Gindling, Kunal Sen, Michael Danquah, and Simone Schotte. Oxford University Press, 2023. (UNU-WIDER working paper)
Working Papers
The Effects of a Statewide Ban on School Suspensions. 2024. EdWorkingPaper: 24-1004. Annenberg Institute at Brown University. With Jane Arnold Lincove and Kalena Cortes. (under review)
Let’s Chat: Leveraging Chatbot Outreach for Improved Course Performance. 2023. EdWorkingPaper: 22-564. Annenberg Institute at Brown University. With Katharine Meyer, Lindsay C. Page, Eric Smith, B. Tyler Walsh, C. Lindsey Fifield, Amy Eremionkhale, Michael Evans, and Shelby Frost.
Heterogeneous Informality in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 2021. WIDER Working Paper 2021/50 Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. With Enrique Alaniz, T.H. Gindling, and Diego Rojas.
Some causes of the undercount of low-income students under the Community Eligibility Provision in Baltimore City Public Schools. 2018. Working paper 18-01. Department of Economics Working Paper Series. UMBC. With T. H. Gindling, James Kitchin, and Evan Avila.
Other Publications
Public Social Investment and Targeted Social Programs in Costa Rica: Trends and the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic XXVI State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program 2021. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
Technological and Economic Vulnerability of Students in Costa Rica in the Time of COVID State of Education Report. State of Nation Program, 2021. San José, Costa Rica. With Luis Ángel Oviedo, and Juan Diego Trejos.
Household Spending to Access Educational Services in Costa Rica: 2013-2018 State of Education Report. State of Nation Program, 2021. San José, Costa Rica. With Luis Ángel Oviedo, and Juan Diego Trejos.
Magnitude, Evolution and Composition of Public Social Investment in Education in Costa Rica: 2000 – 2019 State of Education Report. State of Nation Program, 2021. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
Anatomy of the Income Inequality in Costa Rica pre-COVID-19. XXV State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2020. San José, Costa Rica. With Luis Ángel Oviedo, and Juan Diego Trejos.
Public Social Investment and Targeted Social Programs as of 2019 XXV State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2020. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
Public Social Investment and Targeted Social Programs as of 2018 XXIV State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2019. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
2017 Public Social Investment in a Context of Fiscal Crisis XXIV State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2018. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
Public Social Spending or Investment Continues to Expand in 2016 despite the Fiscal Imbalance XXIII State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2017. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos.
Potential and Real Effect on Poverty of the Social Development National Fund XXI State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2015. San José, Costa Rica.
Analysis of Cost of Living and Production in Costa Rica XXI State of Nation Report. State of Nation Program, 2015. San José, Costa Rica.
Distributional Incidence of Fiscal Policy in Costa Rica Symposium of the National Income and Expenditures Household Survey 2013. National Institute of Statistics and Census, 2015. San José, Costa Rica. With Juan Diego Trejos, and Luis Ángel Oviedo.
PIAD Database Performance for the District 07 of Desamparados, 2013 State of Education Report. State of Nation Program, 2014. San José, Costa Rica.
Research in Progress
Examining the Relationship Between Randomization Strategies and Control Group Crossover in Higher Education Interventions. With Katharine Meyer and Lindsay Page.
The Role of Career Advice at High School on Shaping the Aspirations of First-Generation Students.
The Geography of Girls’ Education Research in Low and Middle-Income Countries. With Jane Arnold Lincove and David Evans.